environments communicate directly via the SAP Java Connector (JCo).
AS ABAP Architecture In AS ABAP, the central instance is distinguished by the fact that the message server and the enqueue work process run there. All other instances of the system are usually called dialog instances. Alternatively, the instances are also named after the services provided. The services that an application server can provide are determined by the type of work processes it has. An application server can then take on several roles, for example, as a dialog server and simultaneously as an update server, if it provides several dialog work processes and at least one update work process.
Note: An overview of the AS ABAP instances is available in SM51 (in SAP Easy Access under Tools → Administration → Monitor → System Monitoring→ Servers. You can use the transaction SM50 to display an overview of the work processes on the instance that you are logged on to; you can also display this overview by choosing Tools → Administration → Monitor → System Monitoring → Process Overview on the SAP Easy Access screen.
Figure 33: AS ABAP Architecture
At this point, you can show participants transaction SM51 in the system and briefly mention the instances and services that are available there. If you wish, you can also point out the option of branching from SM51 to SM04 (user overview) and SM50 (process overview).
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TADM10_1 Lesson: Principal Architecture of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server
You can see to which instance you are logged on under System → Status. If you explain the work process distribution in SM50, it is useful to point out that there is a V2 type update work process (UP2). Additional information on this follows in the introduction of the individual processes.
The ABAP message server provides the AS ABAP with a central message service for internal communication (for example, for starting updates, requesting and removing locks, triggering background requests). The message server also provides information on which instances of the system are currently available. The ABAP dispatchers of the individual application servers communicate via the ABAP message server, which is installed exactly once per SAP system. When you log on to the AS ABAP using the SAP GUI for Windows or the SAP GUI for Java using logon groups, the message server performs a load distribution of users to the available instances. This load distribution, which takes place during the logon procedure, is also known as logon load balancing. After the load distribution by the message server, the SAP GUI communicates directly with the dispatcher. The user remains logged on to this instance until he logs off again.
Note: An overview of users who are logged on the the instance to which you are also logged on, is available using transaction SM04 (Tools→ Administration → Monitor → System Monitoring→ User Overview). You can see to which instance you are logged on under System → Status.
If you are accessing the AB ABAP via web protocols such as HTTP using the browser, the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) receives the request. This forwards the request to the dispatcher of its instance. Communication from other SAP systems via Remote Function Call (RFC) is accepted by the Gateway Reader (GW).
AS Java Architecture In AS Java, the central instance is distinguished by the fact that the Software Deployment Manager (SDM) runs there. The central services Message Service (MS) and Enqueue Service (ES) run in the central services instance (CS instance). All other instances of the system are usually called dialog instances.
Note: The entirety of the Java environment (all processes and the database scheme) is also referred to a Java cluster, and the individual processes (dispatcher and server) as nodes of the Java cluster.

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