sap clasifications

Release Procedure with Classification and Workflow
The following graphic illustrates the implementation of a release procedure with a link to workflow
using the release strategy KF as an example. Since the Sales Manager is seldom required to
release requisition items, his or her release code is workflow-relevant. That is to say, in such
cases a work item will appear in the integrated inbox of the processor responsible for this code.
RReelleeaassee ccooddeess
Release strategy XY
Release strategy TF
. . . .
. . . .
from $10,000
. . . .
0010 R-1003 Multimedia PC
A 5 ea 08.01.96 002
Release strategy KF
Acct. assgt. cat.
Material group
Total value
Purchasing group
Asset, cost center
001, 002
up to $10,000
RReelleeaassee ssttrraatteeggyy KKFF
Process Flow
1. The characteristic values from the complete purchase requisition or the requisition item
are passed on to Classification.
2. The system checks whether the values satisfy release conditions. If so, it assigns a
release strategy (in the example, KF). The release strategy is determined independently
of SAP Business Workflow.
3. The persons responsible for the release codes process the complete purchase
requisition or the requisition item in the sequence prescribed by the release strategy.
In the case of strategy KF, the sequence is as follows:
Once the strategy has been assigned, the employees from the technical department (T1
and T2) see the requisition item in their worklist of requisitions requiring release. When
one of these employees has effected release, the Sales Manager (KY) sees a work item
in his or her SAP Business Workplace inbox. Once the Sales Manager has signified
approval, an RFQ or a purchase order can be issued.
SAP AG MM - Materials Management: Workflow Scenarios
Release Procedure with Classification and Workflow (MM-PUR-REQ)
April 2001 21
If the Sales Manager refuses to release the item, no further processing can take place
and the requisition item may have to be amended.
If strategy TF is assigned, processing is basically carried out as in the case of
strategy KF except that an additional work item is generated after the Sales Manager
(KY) has effected release. This work item appears in the inbox of the relevant
member of the Executive Board (EX).
If the Sales Manager (or afterwards the member of the Executive Board) refuses to
release the item, no further processing can take place and the requisition item may
have to be amended.
An individual workflow is started for each workflow-relevant release code.


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