sap tasks

Tasks: Release of Requisition (MM-PUR-REQ)
In these tasks, a purchase requisition is released or rejected using a release code.
Item-Wise Release
Task: TS00007986
Identifier: req_rel
Description: Release of purchase requisition
Referenced Object Method, Attributes
Object type: BUS2009 (Purchase requisition)
Method: SingleRelease (individual release)
Attributes: None
Overall Release
Task: TS20000159
Identifier: mm_req_rel_c
Description: Overall release of purchase requisition
Referenced Object Method, Attributes
Object type: BUS2105 (Purchase requisition)
Method: SingleRelease (individual release)
Attributes: None
Maintaining Processor Assignment
At runtime, these tasks are addressed to the processor(s) (processing staff member(s)) to whom
the release code has been assigned via a role resolution. You must make the following settings
in Customizing for this:
In Task-Specific Customizing for SAP Business Workflow you must list all organization
management objects that are generally permitted to work with workflow-relevant release
codes (e.g. jobs or positions).
Prior to this, the organizational plan (defining the organizational structure) must be finalized.
User HUBBARD holds the position Member of Executive Board, and user
SEAGOON the position Sales Manager.
By assigning a release code to a processor in Customizing for Purchasing, you specify
who in concrete terms may process a document (i.e. effect releases) using this code. Take
care that this assignment is compatible with the processor assignment in Task-Specific
Customizing. If you enter a user, for example, the latter must also be the holder of a position
in Task-Specific Customizing. If you enter a position, precisely this position must also be
defined in Task-Specific Customizing and have users assigned to it.
SAP AG MM - Materials Management: Workflow Scenarios
Tasks: Release of Requisition (MM-PUR-REQ)
April 2001 25
Release codes EX (Executive Board) and KY (Sales Manager) are assigned to the
object type User and have the processor IDs HUBBARD and SEAGOON assigned to
them respectively.
It is also necessary for the release codes to be marked as “relevant to Workflow”.
See also Preparation and Customizing (MM-PUR-REQ) [Page 33]
Determining the Processor
In determining the processor (the person who is to process the document), the system searches
the Purchasing Customizing facility for the processor ID for a release code. This is achieved via
role resolution.
For this purpose, the following roles are defined for the relevant task:
Item-Wise Release
Role 00000148 (Person responsible for requisition release)
Overall Release
Role 20000026 (Person responsible for requisition release)
Input for the role comprises the release code and the purchase requisition. These were passed
on to the role container from the task container.
Role Container Task container
requisition <- _WI_OBJECT_ID
ReleaseCode <- ReleaseCode
Then, using this data, the Customizing settings for Purchasing containing the linkage between
release code and processor ID are read. After this, the system checks whether these settings
agree with those of Task-Specific Customizing. If they do not, the workflow terminates and the
system administrator responsible for workflow is informed by mail accordingly.
In the Customizing facility for Purchasing, user SEAGOON is assigned to the
workflow-relevant release code KY as processor. In addition, in Task-Specific
Customizing, SEAGOON is assigned to the position Technical Services.
Terminating Events
The tasks for releasing complete purchase requisitions or requisition items are terminated by the
events Release refused, Release effected, or Requisition significantly changed.
See also:
Steps in a Workflow (MM-PUR-REQ) [Page 30


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