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Operation/Link to Appl. Functionality (MM-PUR-REQ)
The following description is based on the assumption that a purchase requisition is created that is
subject to the release strategy KF.
Create Purchase Requisition
A user creates a purchase requisition via Logistics Materials management Purchasing
Requisition Create. This requisition fulfills the conditions of release strategy KF. Saving
results in the creation of an object of the type Purchase requisition.
Working Through the Release Strategy T1
The requisition item must be released via the release codes T1 or T2 and then with KY.
The users who effect release with release codes T1 or T2 can process the requisition item via
Logistics Materials management Purchasing Purchase requisition Release
Individual release, for example.
Generate event
The workflow-triggering event ReleaseStepCreated is created automatically once release has
been effected with release code T1 or T2.
In the event parameter container, you will find the user name of the requisition creator (in the
element _EVT_Creator), the reference to the purchase requisition (in the element
_EVT_Object) and the release code KY (in the element ReleaseCode).
Release requisition item
The user to whom release code KY and the position Sales Manager has been assigned
(SEAGOON), finds a work item representing the standard task Release purchase requisition in
his SAP Business Workplace inbox. Processing this work item makes possible the release or
refusal of the requisition item.
You can access the SAP Business Workplace via Menu Business Workplace.
SAP AG MM - Materials Management: Workflow Scenarios
Releasing External Purchasing Docs. (MM-PUR-GF)
April 2001 41
Releasing External Purchasing Docs. (MM-PUR-GF)
Release procedures are necessary, for example, if an external purchasing document exceeds a
certain value and is subject to approval by a person’s superiors. It is advisable to define different
release strategies for certain order types, purchasing organizations, or purchasing groups.
Each individual involved in the release procedure signifies approval with his or her release code
using a release transaction. Once effected, a release can also be cancelled with the same code
(that is to say, the original status is reinstated).
The system can be set up in such a way that a person authorized to release purchase
requisitions but whose daily duties primarily involve other tasks is advised via workflow when
such a document is awaiting release. That is to say, this person sees a work item in his or her
SAP Business Workplace inbox, which can be processed directly from within the inbox. When the
item is processed, the release transaction is automatically invoked and the document awaiting
approval is offered for release. The individuals who have been informed via workflow that a
document is awaiting release thus need to know neither the transaction name (or menu path) nor
their release code.
An individual workflow is started for each release step (i.e. for each release code).
See Preparation and Customizing (MM-PUR-GF) [Page 54]
Process Flow
See Steps in a Workflow (MM-PUR-GF) [Page 51]
See also:
For more detailed information on the release procedure and an example, see Releasing a
The following description is based on the assumption that a purchase requisition is created that is
subject to the release strategy KF.
Create Purchase Requisition
A user creates a purchase requisition via Logistics Materials management Purchasing
Requisition Create. This requisition fulfills the conditions of release strategy KF. Saving
results in the creation of an object of the type Purchase requisition.
Working Through the Release Strategy T1
The requisition item must be released via the release codes T1 or T2 and then with KY.
The users who effect release with release codes T1 or T2 can process the requisition item via
Logistics Materials management Purchasing Purchase requisition Release
Individual release, for example.
Generate event
The workflow-triggering event ReleaseStepCreated is created automatically once release has
been effected with release code T1 or T2.
In the event parameter container, you will find the user name of the requisition creator (in the
element _EVT_Creator), the reference to the purchase requisition (in the element
_EVT_Object) and the release code KY (in the element ReleaseCode).
Release requisition item
The user to whom release code KY and the position Sales Manager has been assigned
(SEAGOON), finds a work item representing the standard task Release purchase requisition in
his SAP Business Workplace inbox. Processing this work item makes possible the release or
refusal of the requisition item.
You can access the SAP Business Workplace via Menu Business Workplace.
SAP AG MM - Materials Management: Workflow Scenarios
Releasing External Purchasing Docs. (MM-PUR-GF)
April 2001 41
Releasing External Purchasing Docs. (MM-PUR-GF)
Release procedures are necessary, for example, if an external purchasing document exceeds a
certain value and is subject to approval by a person’s superiors. It is advisable to define different
release strategies for certain order types, purchasing organizations, or purchasing groups.
Each individual involved in the release procedure signifies approval with his or her release code
using a release transaction. Once effected, a release can also be cancelled with the same code
(that is to say, the original status is reinstated).
The system can be set up in such a way that a person authorized to release purchase
requisitions but whose daily duties primarily involve other tasks is advised via workflow when
such a document is awaiting release. That is to say, this person sees a work item in his or her
SAP Business Workplace inbox, which can be processed directly from within the inbox. When the
item is processed, the release transaction is automatically invoked and the document awaiting
approval is offered for release. The individuals who have been informed via workflow that a
document is awaiting release thus need to know neither the transaction name (or menu path) nor
their release code.
An individual workflow is started for each release step (i.e. for each release code).
See Preparation and Customizing (MM-PUR-GF) [Page 54]
Process Flow
See Steps in a Workflow (MM-PUR-GF) [Page 51]
See also:
For more detailed information on the release procedure and an example, see Releasing a
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