sap users

User Types Locate this document in the navigation structure

User types are used to distinguish normal dialog users from technical users used to access a specific service or conduct system-to-system communication. The user type refers to the security policy applied to a given user. It determines, for example, if the password of a user can expire or if it must be changed after the initial logon. The security policy also determines if the user can log on or not. For an overview of the user types, see the table below.
User Type
Used for regular generic users. Users of this type have the following characteristics:
  • Can be used to log on to the AS Java
  • Normal password rules apply, for example the user's password can expire or the password must be changed after initial logon
  • Created by administrators, during self-registration, or read from external UME data sources. The administrator and guest users are created automatically during installation.
  • UME maps (A) Dialog users from the AS ABAP data source to this type
    Well known standard users of this type include: Administrator and Guest.
Technical User
Used for system-to-system communication. Users of this type have the following characteristics:
  • Can be used to log on to the AS Java
  • Password does not expire
  • Some created automatically (SAPJSF), some by the user administrator
  • UME maps (B) System users from the AS ABAP data source to this type
    Well known standard users of this type include: SAPJSF and ADSuser.
    Although SAPJSF is a standard technical user, you cannot log on to the AS Java with it for security reasons.
Internal Service User
Used to perform internal operations, for example PCD ACL operations for a portal.
  • Cannot be used to log on
  • Usually do not have passwords
  • Normally created automatically
  • Users exist only in the Java database, does not map to other data sources
  • Type cannot be changed
    Well known standard users of this type include: pcd_service, config_fwk_service, ume_service
This type cannot be created from the UME and exists only as mapped from an AS ABAP data source.
  • UME maps to this type AS ABAP users of type (C) Communication, (S) Service, and (L) Reference
  • Password rules of the back-end AS ABAP and ability to log on apply according to the AS ABAP user type
The standard users created during installation vary depending on the data source that you use.
For more information and standard naming conventions, see Standard Users and Standard User Groups.
Changing the Security Policy
Using identity management of the AS Java, you can change the policy from Unknown or Default to Technical User and from Unknown or Technical User to Default. If you have an AS ABAP data source, you can change the user types with the native tools and the UME maps the policy when it fetches the data from the data source.


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