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Validations And Substitutions in SAP

July 20, 2006

This article outlines some salient points in SAP’s implementation of validations and substitutions from a FICO perspective.

Indirect Assignment of Relationships

In addition to the organisation structure relationships that are directly defined in the Enterprise Structure / Assignment section of the IMG, there are further ways that one may need to define these relationships.  These definitions are still donein the IMG, but are buried in a module somewhere.  These are module specific: ie only required if one is using that module.

Is there anything I have forgotten ? Note that pure master data relationships and account determination configuration is covered in other chapters.

Profit Centre Relationships

When one is using profit centre module and the various logistics modules, then one has to define the relationships in IMG / Enterprise Controlling / Profit Centre Accounting / Assignments to Profit Centres. However before we get too deep into that…


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