sap workflow

Workflow: Release Requisition (MM-PUR-REQ)
If the system recognizes that the release code with which a user must next signify approval in
accordance with the release strategy is workflow-relevant, a workflow is started. An individual
workflow is started for each workflow-relevant release code. A central task of workflow control is
to determine the processor (several may be involved) to whom this release code has been
When are workflows started in the case of release strategy KF?
When user MILLER, or alternatively user GRITPIPE (both Technical Services), have
released a requisition item with their non-workflow-relevant release codes T1/T2, the
requisition item must then be processed with release code KY. Since KY is workflowrelevant,
a workflow is started. The system recognizes that release code KY has
been assigned to user SEAGOON (Sales Manager) and creates a work item for the
When are workflows started in the case of release strategy TF?
A workflow is started as under release strategy KF. When user SEAGOON releases
the requisition item, a further workflow is started and a workflow item appears in the
inbox of user HUBBARD (Executive Board).
Item-Wise Release
Workflow: 00000038
Identifier: wf_req_rel
Description: Workflow for requisition release
Overall Release
Workflow: 20000077
Identifier: wf_req_rel_c
Description: Workflow for overall release of requisition
Triggering Event for Workflow
The event ReleaseStepCreated has been entered as the trigger for the workflow for the
relevant object type.
This “linkage” between the event and the workflow to be triggered is deactivated in
the standard system and must first be activated in Customizing for SAP Business
Workflow if the workflow is actually to be started.
Workflow Container and Data Flow
The most important information that must be available within the course of the workflow
comprises the reference to the purchase requisition to be processed (_EVT_Object) and the
release code (ReleaseCode), as well as the name of the person who the created the purchase
SAP AG MM - Materials Management: Workflow Scenarios
Workflow: Release Requisition (MM-PUR-REQ)
April 2001 29
requisition (_EVT_Creator). The information is available as an event parameter in the
container of the triggering event and must be passed on from there to the workflow container via
data flow.
Therefore, the following data flow definition between the triggering event and the workflow
container is defined in the standard system:
Workflow container Event container
_WF_Initiator <- _Evt_Creator
requisition <- _Evt_Object
ReleaseCode <- ReleaseCode
In the standard system, the element _WF_Initiator exists in the workflow container. The
elements requisition and ReleaseCode have been created in addition to the standard


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